Friday, March 6, 2009

Really Big Umbrellas

You know what really Grinds my Gears??? People who use really big umbreallas. If your umbrella can fit you and 3 of your friends under it`s too big. I saw one person who was carrying what looked like a patio umbrella down the street WTF. Come on there is no room for anyone else on the sidewalk but you and your stupid umbrella.

I think if you are walking on the sidewalk you should be only aloud to wear one of these. That way there is room for everyone on the sidewalk not just you and your patio umbrella.

1 comment:

  1. Friggin funny! I agree, those huge umbrellas are the worst, esp. when there's only one person under it. holy eff!
    Is it weird that i actually have one of those cdn umbrella hats or......
