1. No matter how cool of a parent you are your kid does not want to be seen with you at a concert. You`ll just look lame and sit in your seat all night instead of standing up and having a good time like the rest of us. You`ll probably complain about the screaming and loud clapping and look like a fool.

2. If it takes you 2 days to recover from a concert you`re probably too old to go in the first place. Maybe you should have stayed home and watched Matlock instead (you know who you are).
3. If you work at a concert venue, expect that people are going to be drinking and doing some crazy shit. I mean it`s Motley freakin Crüe of course people are going to be drinking a lot and going a little nuts . If you can`t deal with it perhaps you should have signed up to work Kenny Chesney instead.
you are a dick - i have a cold
ReplyDeletebut it was pretty funny that I got kicked out of the girls' section for CLAPPING too loudly!
Look at these nasty boys! Double fistin', you guys make me proud!