Well I`m one who believes you get what you pay for. The work is subpar and requires more work by us Canadian reps to fix there errors.
At first I thought great well the more mistakes they make the more work I have to do. Well wrong they just sent all the work correcting the mistakes or as we call them here follow ups to India as well.

So here is what happens now when you call in.
1. You get an India rep selling you the product not giving you the correct info and placing the order incorrectly.
2. A 2nd India rep works the order can`t find the info or dosen`t place the order correctly and it kicks out or goes into follow up.
3. A 3rd India rep gets the order and can`t figure it out either and simply puts cust uncontactable in the notes.
Now it`s been a week and customer still dosen`t have the service.
So question how the hell is this saving anyone any money.
In additon most of these overseas reps can barely speak any english and many of them make up there own words when talking to you. Like can you re-escamado this order.
They also tend to sound like they are reading everything from a script and if you jump ahead of them they have no clue what`s going on. I called in once and since I work for the company I knew exactly what had already been done and what they were going to tell me to do first.
I said hello ABEEB this is Robert just to let you know the line card is installed and I`ve already power cycled my modem, and then he says ok Robert lets trouble shoot. What I`m going to get you to do is power cycle your modem.
Listen ABEEB I just told you I already did that now skip ahead to page 2 of your script.
Oh and they love to use the word Actually.
Like I said you get what you paid for. I mean sure I can get a steak Denny`s for cheap but It`s not nearly as good or as filling as one from Al`s