Tuesday, March 24, 2009


You know what really grinds my gears READING. Like really, why read especially if they made a movie about the book. Reading takes time where as i can watch a movie usually in under 2hrs plus i get to watch things happen, I don`t have to imagine it in my head. People that like to read are lame come on stop being a nerd. I`d rather have a story told to me by someone famous then to read it myself. Like imagine Romeo and Juliet as read to you by Sean Connery, now that`s a book i could get into or rather listen too. What about a stereo manual by Morgan Freeman, or a Cookbook by Yoda. Come on people reading is over-rated, and when you do it you`re just making fun of those who can`t. I mean i don`t sit next to a blind person and say things like would you look at that or did you see that. So don`t sit next to someone and pull out your book cause they may not be able to read.

heheh now this is funny check out the James Earl Jones one.


  1. books are for losers!! hahahahaha

  2. This could be the worst rant yet! You're going on and on about reading being stupid... on a blog... that we have to READ. I'm pretty sure you should read this to me... cause what if I can't read?

  3. ha ha Tracy don`t worry you won`t have to worry about reading my blog once i go live to video

  4. Your wife reads a lot, of at least she used to back in the day! So have you broken the news to her yet? You know, that you think she's a loser? Guess daddy won't be reading bedtime stories to danica!!! Cause readings for losers. Or are childrens books acceptable, with the illustrations and all!
    So funny rob!
